The technoburlesque is a silent comedy of the body that parodies the rigidity of social roles. It uncritically appropriates, copies and embellishes femininity, masculinity, family relationships, machismo and other corrupted social roles that are mistakenly considered normative.
The hilarious play on the disguises of the Snatchers and their behaviour is the result of the great historical liberation of the sexuality and bodies of individuals from the shackles of society. The regular, modular, surprising and never constant artistic and social evenings of the Image Snatchers were created in various forms of collaboration by the colleagues of the collective Feminalz. This burlesque collective has been operating under the auspices of the Emanat Institute since 2013. In the nine years of its existence, more than 60 different points have been created, and in each realisation, successful strategies of appropriation and recycling ensure a completely new experience.